Some of the best places located in the world, one of them is Hueco Tanks State Historic Site. which is located in Big Bend Country at region of Trans Pecos(6900 Hueco Tanks Road No 1 , El Paso TX 79938 ), Texas USA. Most of time tourist think that place is historical, coming also this purpose but its not proper info about that places, but I well-known for his incredible beautiful nature area. In name of “tanks’, where water fills of during rain times. And his area going to rich for climbing purpose. Climate of place to mild in according to season. Its not only for climbing but most of students come here for nature study. Very remarkable and awesome place in Texas. We love it. If you go at tanks area then you found very old times Greeks painting, about this painting to make a historical place. Which painting is too old and very attractive and telling more about in past time. Very adventure and attractive activities to be found at there—includes picnicking, camping, birding, rock climbing, nature study, historical pictographs, slides shows, and more. You can get that place tour only $4 per person. Area of tanks have alive flora and fauna most of time –include-bobcats, gray foxes, prairie falcons, golden eagles, lizards, and other predators. And more . come this seasons for hiking and other activities carrying mood and get lots of fun at there..we hope!!if want to take a lot enjoyment then you must to comes here two or three days because the wide area of that place you can't visit one day don't very here nearest famed cities like Dallas and houston where you make hotel reservations.

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